Click HERE to access New Patient Entrance Forms
(please download to device before filling out your entrance forms)
A warm welcome! Brynlea will greet you and ensure your entrance forms are completed properly (these will be emailed to you upon making your appointment, or you may download from above). She will then show you around the clinic so that you feel at home and comfortable.
During the initial consultation you will be given the opportunity to tell your ‘story’, and we will listen. You will then be encouraged to share any and all relevant health history along with your hopes, goals, and expectations. Please bring any previous examinations/findings related to your past health history!
With your consent, a thorough physical examination (including neurological, orthopedic, and muscular assessment) will be performed by Shaun, our examination specialist. A full body photo will be taken for specialized postural analysis (for accuracy please wear well fitting clothes).
With a good understanding of your health history, the Doctor will then undertake a detailed chiropractic examination of your spine and nerve system using the Gonstead Method of analysis to identify any nerve interference. Nerve interference is often the root cause of -or significant contributing factor for- most health concerns.
If the Doctor determines that x-rays are necessary they will be taken on site for $150. If you are concerned about x-ray radiation click here for the latest research.
Your doctor will then need time to carefully analyze your x-rays and correlate all the examination findings before your next appointment, which will be your Doctor’s Report.
2nd VISIT – Your Doctor’s Report
Your second visit will be scheduled on Tuesday at 5:30 pm; this is your Doctor's Report. We ask that you allow at least 2 hours for this appointment.
The first part of your report is done in a small group setting. There will be other new patients present along with their spouses and/or a family member. It is advised that your spouse attends your Doctor's Report, because we focus on helping you get as good as possible as quick as possible. The support and understanding of a spouse has been consistently demonstrated to facilitate this!
This first part consists of a full explanation of health, and the two general approaches to patient care. You will be given an understanding on how you've gotten to this point, the subluxation, and the impact it is having on your spine & health(and potential consequences).. and of course how we can work together toward correction utilizing the gentle, safe and ultra specific Gonstead Adjustment in order for you to heal and achieve optimal health! You will be shown what is(or is not) correctable, frequency & time frames for correction, responsibilities(both yours and ours), the value exchange & financial investment options, and other services/commitments that we have instituted to help you get the best results. Basically, we want you to make a well informed choice when deciding whether to partner with us for your chiropractic care!
The second part of your report is done 1:1 with any family that you choose to have present, in private. You will be shown your x-rays and examination findings with an opportunity to ask any questions prior to your care recommendations being given.
Along with an overview of your whole spine, you will be shown on your own x-rays precisely which joint and which bone needs to be corrected toward normal with a Gonstead Adjustment for you to attain optimal function.
For those who commit to proceeding with the care recommendations, you will then receive your 1st adjustment to enable the healing journey to begin!
Follow-up visits are usually 15 minutes or less in the office.
Having developed a very good understanding of your spine and health, the purpose of follow-up visits is to check to see how you are doing, how your spine is functioning, and most importantly if there is any nerve interference.
A thorough Gonstead examination will be performed before every adjustment to determine if there is any nerve interference. If there is evidence of nerve interference, an adjustment is needed to remove that interference. If you have healed well and are holding your adjustment, then no adjustment is necessary at that level.
My aim is to help you get as good as possible as quick as possible – get great results fast – help you into a state where you can heal and stabilize naturally!
Do you have to keep coming back? NO!
Your health is your responsibility and I am here to serve you. My recommendations are given based on the success achieved with cases just like yours – it is up to you whether you follow my recommendations or not. Structural correction of your spine takes time and occurs once function and stability has been restored. While this happens for the most part when you are feeling good, visits are still advised to prevent relapse and maintain optimal health!
Do I recommend healthy check-ups? Absolutely!
I know how crucial the function of your spine and nerve system is to your overall health and well-being. You know that your car is going to last longer if it's maintained and problems are corrected sooner rather than later. Good thing about your car, you can trade it in. You can’t do that with your body! You might say that we aren’t machines and can help ourselves.. I agree for the most part. However, nobody can correct a subluxation on their own! That is because we all have zero conscious control over the movement of one bone relative to another in our spine.
Again, let’s then consider your teeth. Your teeth are going to look better and last longer if you get them checked by a dentist regularly, right? Good thing about teeth is they can also be replaced. You can’t do that with your spine. The quality and function of your spine is far more important than your teeth(and definitely more important than your car) because of the affect it has on every aspect of your life via your nerve system(how you feel, your mood, looks, smell, sleep, digestion, heart and lung function just to name a few).