5 Reasons Why Having A Strong Core Is Important

Posted Feb 15th, 2018

5 Reasons Why Having A Strong Core Is Important

Back pain is a common side effect of a weak core. When you strengthen your core, not only do you decrease your chance of injury (especially to your spine), but your quality of life also will dramatically improve/become easier.

When we say “core”, what do you think of? Chiseled abs? A defined 6-pack? Thought so. You core goes much, much deeper that the superficial “rectus abdominis”, aka: the muscle that makes your 6 pack. While having a 6 pack is nice, creating a strong core OVERALL is what should take priority when it comes to exercising and strength training.

Here is a great chart that outlines the muscles of the trunk, along with their action that was put together by the American Council on Exercise.


As you can see, there are far more muscles and muscle groups that make up your core than most people think which are responsible for many actions and movements!

Here are 5 reasons why keeping these muscles strong is so important:

1. Every day activities such as lifting your children, twisting, sitting on a chair, are all aided by your core muscles. They’re movements that you don’t even think about doing, and yet these mundane, basic tasks of every day life are what need a strong core the most so that we can KEEP doing these things pain, and injury free.

2. Core muscles are also SUPER important for having and holding a good posture – and not JUST when standing, either. Good posture is important in all the activities you do: lifting heavy boxes at work, sitting at your desk, gardening, cleaning your house. Keeping good posture throughout all these activities is important to help reduce the chance of injury, and lessen wear and tear on the spine.

3. Lessening wear and tear on your back also makes for a healthier back. Low back pain especially may be prevented, or at least lessened by exercises that work towards having a well-rounded, strong core. Studies have shown that chiropractic care works best and is most effective when done in conjunction with core strengthening exercises.

4. Your core is responsible for stabilizing your body; therefore, when your core is strong, your balance and stability are improved. This allows you to move in different directions with ease, stay steady on uneven surfaces, and even balance while standing in a moving vehicle. Reduce your risk of falling by strengthening your core.

5. What is life without a little fun? A strong core allows you to take part in your favourite hobbies and “extra curricular” activities without being worried that you will pull something or injure yourself. Running, golfing, tennis, kayaking, are all things that are made easier when the core is strong and stable. Making your fun, leisurely activities even more enjoyable!

If you’re interested in making these muscles stronger so that you can live your best, most fulfilling life, our Rehabilitation Specialist, Louise, teaches a Core Stability Class every 3rd Thursday evening of the month!